New | Removed |
- achievement (gaming)
- active player
- AI
- antimalware
- antispyware
- app
- audiobook
| - access privileges
- action bar
- alt text (html)
- assembly language
- audit trail
- badge (gaming)
- big data
- bio
- Bluetooth
- Blu-ray Disc
| - backward
- bitmask
- bitplane
- bitwise
- black hole (networking)
- bulleted
- burn (CD)
- cell phone, cellular phone
- cellular
- center on
- chatbot
- check in
- cloud
- cloud platform
- cloud services
- community cloud
- company vs. organization
- compute
- conversation as a platform (CaaP)
- conversational user interface (CUI)
- -core
- cyber
| - caller ID
- card
- carrage return/line feed (CR/LF)
- CBT (computer-based training, now is called e-learning)
- CD, CD case, CD key, CD Plus
- certificate
- channel
- client area (now is desktop or workspace)
- code signing
- COM (Component Object Model)
- communication port (COM port)
- comprise
- critical process monitor
- critical section object
- cursor
- dark mode
- deceptive software
- DevOps
- dynamic service capacity
| - data modem
- diskette
- Distributed File System
- double word (DWORD)
- downlevel
- e-discovery
- elastic service capacity
- e-learning
- emoticons, emoji
- End-User License Agreement (EULA)
- e-sports
| |
- family
- fitness band
- flick
- flyout
- freeze, frozen
| - facsimile
- firewall
- Fortran
- Front Page
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
| |
- hang
- hard-of-hearing
- hierarchical menu
- high-level-language compiler
- honeypot
- hybrid cloud
| - hardware
- high-level
- highlight
- hotfix
- infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
- instant message, IM
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- invite
- IT pro, IT professional
| - IA-32-based
- I-beam
- independent content provider (ICP)
- insertion point
- Intel-based
- Interrupt
- inverse video
- Itanium-based (Intel CPU architecture)
| |
| |
| - line feed
- localhost
- look up
- low-level
- machine learning
- malicious code, malicious user
- malware, malicious software
- mission critical
- mixed reality
- multifactor authentication
| - MAC (media access control)
- machine language
- Macro Assembler (MASM)
- memory models
- movement keys
- My Computer
- natural user interface, NUI
- .NET
- newsreader
- noncontinguous selection
- notification
| - NET (net-)
- new line
- newsgroup
- nonadjacent selection
- non-Windows application
- NT
- off-premises, on-premises
- onboarding
- online services
- open source, open-source
- opt in, opt out
- org, organization
| - Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
- online Help
- on/off switch
- overtype
- page
- pan
- passwordless
- pin, unpin
- pinch
- platform as a service (PaaS)
- playlist
- please
- private cloud
- profile
- public cloud
| - panorama
- patch
- PC Card vs PCMCIA
- pixel
- Preface
- prohibition sign
- pull quote
- push-to-talk
| |
- relationship chatbot
- reverse video
- rotate
| - radix, radixes
- release notes
- Restore button
- rip
- server
- service-level agreement (SLA)
- service-oriented architecture (SOA)
- ship
- single-sign-on (SSO)
- smb
- social chatbot
- software as a service (SaaS)
- software-plus-services
- sorry
- spyware
- stretch
- swipe
- sync
| - scale up
- Screen Tip
- search engine
- site map
- software update
- speed key
- spider
- stand-alone
- Super VGA, SVGA
- tab, double-tab, tab and hold
- target drive, target file
- terminate
- text, text message
- tile, Live Tile
- toast
- to-do
- touchpad
- touchscreen
- touch-sensitive
- trackball
- trojan
- turnkey
| - time bomb
- title bar
- titled vs. entitled
- toolbar
- toolbox
- tooltip
- topic
- tutorial
- two-dimensional, 2-D
- Ultrabook
- unwanted software
- UPnP
- use terms
| - Universal Naming Conversion (UNC)
- unprintable
- Usenet
- utilize
- video call, videoconference
- video card
- video driver
- video game
- virtual agent
- voice user interface
- voice-activated device
| - VCR (videocassette recorder)
- virtual root
- virtual server
- virtualize
- wearable, wearable device
- web services
- wellbeing
- white hat hacker
- whitelist
- wireless
- work style
- workstream
- worldwide vs. international
| - Weblication
- Windows Installer
- Winsock
- worksheet
| |